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Who will pay for injuries in a California ridesharing accident?

Rideshare companies such as Uber and Lyft offer a convenient service to those who live and work in the Los Angeles County, California, region. They help motorists refrain from driving under the influence and generally offer a safe ride home after your day is complete.

Unfortunately, you cannot always know if an Uber or Lyft driver is a safe driver. Motor vehicle accidents involving rideshare companies occur just as often as other vehicle crashes do, often resulting in severe or catastrophic injuries.

The state of California has you covered

Some states, including California, mandate that rideshare companies carry commercial liability insurance should motor vehicle accidents occur. Such insurance typically covers the injuries passengers suffer in a vehicle collision or crash.

What if a rideshare car collides with your vehicle?

If you are driving your vehicle (or are a pedestrian) and a rideshare driver collides with you, it may be a bit harder to prove your case. In these accidents, you will benefit from gathering as much evidence related to the crash as possible to increase your odds of acquiring compensation. Examples of such evidence include:

  • The report filed by responding police officers
  • Photos of the accident scene
  • Photos of the damage to your vehicle
  • Photos of your injuries
  • Photos of the damage to the rideshare vehicle (to illustrate the severity of the accident)
  • Witness statements from any that saw the crash
  • A report detailing your injuries from a hospital or your doctors

If your rideshare accident injuries or those of a loved one are particularly severe, you may benefit from the guidance a legal advocate can offer. In all motor vehicle accidents, learning more about California injury and accident laws can help you acquire the compensation you need.