You Have A Voice

After A Wrongful Death, Our Attorneys Help Families Seek Justice

Losing someone to preventable causes is one of the hardest ordeals any of us could face. If you’ve lost a family member or another loved one due to negligence or the intentional actions of another, you may be able to seek justice and compensation in a wrongful death lawsuit.

At Accident Fighters, APC, our attorneys are honored to help grieving families obtain the answers and accountability they are looking for. We understand how difficult this time is for you, and we are here to offer support while we fight for justice for your family member.

What Exactly Is Wrongful Death?

It is often easiest to think of wrongful death as an extension of personal injury litigation. Any act that could result in a personal injury lawsuit would also be grounds for a wrongful death lawsuit if the victim’s injuries were severe enough to result in death.

The biggest difference between the two types of litigation (other than the degree of harm) is who the plaintiff in the litigation is. In personal injury litigation, the injured victim is the plaintiff, seeking compensation for the harms he or she suffered. In wrongful death lawsuits, however, the plaintiffs are representatives of the victim, typically family members or an official representative of the victim’s estate.

Another difference between personal injury and wrongful death litigation is the type of damages that plaintiffs can seek. In both cases, plaintiffs can ask for compensation for things like medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages. In wrongful death lawsuits, however, plaintiffs can also seek damages related to funeral/burial expenses, loss of income (if the victim was a family wage earner) and loss of companionship.

Pursuing Criminal And Civil Justice For Your Loved One

Wrongful death can occur in the context of a preventable accident or another negligent act, or it can occur during the commission of a crime. Examples of the latter would include a fatal drunk driving crash or an intentional assault/murder.

If the at-fault party can and should face criminal charges, it does not prevent you from also filing a wrongful death lawsuit in civil court. Additionally, the outcomes in each court do not need to match. Criminal convictions require guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, which is a higher standard of proof than in civil cases (which require guilt based on a preponderance of evidence). Because of this, a criminal conviction often strengthens a wrongful death lawsuit, but a not guilty verdict doesn’t necessarily hurt a civil case. Someone could be found not guilty in criminal court but still be found liable in civil litigation.

Reach Out Today To Attorneys Who Care

Accident Fighters, APC, is dedicated to helping victims and their families pick up the pieces after a preventable injury or death. We offer free initial consultations in person at one of our three Los Angeles County offices or remotely (over the phone or internet). To schedule a time to discuss your legal options with our compassionate attorneys, call us at 855-646-4878 or send us an email.